31 December 2009

Resolutions for the garden

For my 2010 garden, I have a few resolutions:

1. Experiment with scent in the garden. A resolution inspired by Louise Beebe Wilder's The Fragrant Path (my review). I'm used to thinking about designing my garden in terms of color, form, texture, etc, but designing for fragrance is new for me. So I'm going to do some exploring this year -- grow more fragrant plants, sniff about, and think about how they might go together to add another layer to my garden. Should be a fun project. It will also be fun trying to describe scents in a blog...

2. Plan for winter color. I talked about this one recently so I won't belabor the point, but it is now an official goal: next winter is going to be a lot livelier 'round these parts.

3. Add non-plant items to my garden. Currently, my garden is all plant, all the time, but this year, I want to add sculpture and such. I'm going to try making hypertufa balls following the instructions from Faire Garden, and maybe play with other home-made sculpture. And candles... I want candles in my garden. Since seeing Avatar, my mind is full of ideas on how to play with light in the garden at night, and the natural, flickering light of candles seems perfect.

4. Plant a HUGE cutting garden. I'm nuts about cut flowers, and have always had a cutting garden, but last year amid the chaos of moving to a new house I didn't get enough ground prepped to have room for both vegetables and cut flowers -- and I sided with vegetables. This year will be different: I'm doubling the size of my vegetable garden area, and devoting half of it to cut flowers.

What are your resolutions for Garden 2010?


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