Showing posts with label fall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fall. Show all posts

28 August 2015

20% off trees and shrubs clearance sale!

 Who needs flowers if you can enjoy the brilliant fall foliage that only shrubs and trees can provide.

Fall will be arriving soon, and we've put together a sale to accommodate your need to add some color to your garden.

Liriodendron tulipifera, Stewartia pseudocamelia and Daphne x Burkwoodii 'Silveredge'

Here at Arrowhead we're trying to downsize and refocus on doing what we do best: alpines. To that end, we're doing a massive sale on our trees and shrubs to clear out the stock. Order now for trees and shrubs shipped through November, and take 20% off. You can also stop by the nursery in person and still receive our trees and shrubs discount. And if there is something in our catalog you've been wanting and putting off buying, now is the time, as once they're gone, they're not coming back.

 For example, you won't want to miss Weigela subsessilis'Canary' which is worth growing for the very unusual soft yellow flowers, but is also the most vigorous, winter hardy Weigela I know, blooming its head off after even the harshest winters.

Or Abelia mosanensis, with abundant fragrant pink tubular flowers, white on the inside giving a unique two tone effect in spring. Fall color is an excellent orange red which tends to develop late. The flowers in midsummer hold the crown as the most popular shrub in the nursery with butterflies of all types.A deciduous Korean species, it is considerably hardier than the evergreen species.

Or end your season with the late summer glory of Heptocodium miconoides 

A cool new plant introduced from China in 1980, although Wilson found it back in 1907. Ornamental peeling Crepe Myrtle-like bark, fragrant white flowers in late summer in six flowered whorls terminated by a single flower (hence Heptocodium) followed by showy cherry red calyces surrounding the fruits, giving the impression of still being in flower in autumn when the leaves turn purple.  
Despite what Dirr says it seems to thrive in full sun, and struggles in the shade at least in the north.

10 October 2011

Fall is for crocuses

It is time to plant spring flowering crocuses, of course, but also to enjoy the fall bloomers! I planted a few species for the first time last year, and am delighted to see Crocus speciosus has come back to kick off the fall crocus season!

05 October 2011

October in the garden

Thought I'd share some photos of my garden at the moment.
 Verbena bonariensis with bronze fennel
Sedum 'Purple Emperor'
 Salvia nutans (Again!)
Rhus typhina 'Laciniata' just beginning to color up with Eupatorium rugosum 'Chocolate'
 Another favorite hardy mum: Chrysanthemum 'Mellow Moon'
 The front garden
Eupatorium rugosum 'Chocolate'

19 September 2011

Mum mania

My mums are flowering! No, not the little wretched cushion mums you see everywhere. These are the lovely, fully hardy ones from Faribault Growers I was all excited about buying earlier this year.

Plants and flowers are a bit smaller than the catalog descriptions, but given they started as itsy bitsy little plugs this spring, that isn't too surprising. I expect they will grow into their full size next year. In any case, I'm nuts about them. Great colors, diverse forms, large voluptuous flowers, on utterly tough, carefree plants. What's not to love?

Matchstick has a vivid, ever-changing mix of yellow and red I've seen around in catalogs. It is nice, but not my favorite.
Snowscape has a graceful combination of pale pink and yellow on huge, profuse blooms. Very soft and romantic feeling.
Centerpiece has an elegant spooned form, in a richer shade pink
My favorite, hands down, is Peach Centerpiece. Same form as Centerpiece, but in a warm peach tone that one of my absolute favorite flower colors.
I think I need a LOT more Peach Centerpiece next year. I want dozens and dozens of them, all over the garden, sending the gardening year off in a rush of glorious, decadent beauty. That shouldn't be too hard... I love it when I fall for a plant that is both cheap and easy to grow.

05 November 2010

Friday Cartoon: Fall rollercoaster

You probably need to click and enlarge this one to really see it.

02 November 2010

Why have I lived so long without fall crocuses?

After years of looking at the fall blooming crocus options in bulb catalogs, this year I finally bought a few.
Oh. My. God.
I am in love. Why on earth have I lived so long without these marvelous things? This is Crocus speciosus, and as you can see, if is insanely beautiful. Elegant. Graceful. Intricate. I think it may be even better than the spring flowering species I have been nuts about forever. Why did I buy so FEW? Next year they're going in by the hundred.

10 September 2010

Friday Cartoon: Signs of fall

I noticed a leaf the other day... a yellow leaf. My mind instantly was whirling.
Fall leaf