23 December 2009

Wednesday Links:

Studio G's blog had a piece on an amazing looking topiary garden in South Carolina. Well worth checking out.

Tired of the cold and snow? Consider a trip to the lovely gardens of New Zealand. Oh, I wish I could...

Garden Rant's Susan Harris makes the point that snow is a design opportunity in the garden.

If you aren't a sort of academic plant geek, you might not appreciate this but: Allan Armitage is going to be dancing the hustle at a fund raiser! I want to see a dance-off between him and Michael Dirr!

The Inelegant Gardener explains the reason that some vegetables (his example is parsnips, but the same applies to a number of things) are sweeter after cold weather

Linda Chalker-Scott on The Garden Professors does a spot-on debunking of the "chemicals are evil" mindset.

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