Showing posts with label bees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bees. Show all posts

11 February 2010

That's it. I'm getting bees.

My friend ST got bees last spring. And today, she brought me a container of her honey.
That is my finger. I've been dipping into it, and licking the honey off. Yum... So much better than boring clover honey from the store -- it has richer flavor, almost a little spicy. Which instantly makes me think of my grandfather -- he used to keep bees, and trips to North Carolina to visit him always ended with us heading home with a huge jar of honey and bees wax to make candles.
I've always said I want to have bees -- but tasting this honey has pushed me over the edge. I've got to get some. My seed orders are all in. Time to put in the bee order.