10 March 2010

Wednesday Links

This is just weird, but: This product monitors soil moisture, light, and temperature in your garden and relays the information to your iphone. Really? To an iphone? So you can garden without living the comfort of your house, or what?

Highly recommended: An AP piece on gardens made by soldiers at war -- from WWI, Vietnam, to Iraq and Afghanistan. A fascinating read.

Guest post on biofortified by a actual hands-in-the-dirt corn and soybeans farmer on why he loves biotech, and considers it greener than conventional varieties. (the short story: more efficient use of fertilizer, less irrigation, less pesticide)

Mat Kinase reviews Stewart Brand's new book -- which I am itching to read. I should buy a copy already. This is something like the third time I've linked to things related to it.

Ben's Garden blog posts about the power of plants to prevent crime -- he cites really cool research, and the goes on to muse how Dicken's novels might be different if the characters had more plants in their lives! Terrific stuff.

Bad science reporting over at the LA Times: The headline and first paragraph imply spinach from the supermarket may be more nutritious than spinach from your garden or a farmers market. The actual study, however, simply shows that spinach stored  for 9 days in light is more nutritious than spinach stored in the dark. The actual take home: Eat stuff when it is fresh and minimize the time it is sitting in your fridge. Best way I know to do that: Grow your own, and harvest right before you eat.

From the NYTimes, a biodegradable bag called the "PeePoo" which you put... well, feces in. The bag breaksdown, AND kills disease causing organisms in the poop. It is designed for toilet less third world slums, and is a fantastic idea -- reduce disease, and create fertilizer. Am I weird for wishing they sold them here?

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