First a little drawing to illustrate the meaning of the word "Couple" to a gardener:

Next A drawing illustrating the fact that for gardeners, the smallest quantity of plants we're capable of thinking of is 3. 1 and 2 just don't exist for us.

Check out my other garden drawings here
LOL! Now that is true and so funny.
I am so bummed out about the African Violet leaves. I did not know the variegated leaves would grow green plants.Thanks for letting me know, I think ;-) I guess I should have just bought the plants after all.Drat!
Now you know why variegated african violets are so expensive!
And the day brightens... Popped over from Hocking Hills... This is hysterical. I love it!!
Glad you liked it Kate!
Oh my goodness, this is a funny post! How come it took me so long to find this!! I am going to immediately subscribe to your blog and tell everyone to come and see this.
You have captured perfectly what I was trying to say!
Love it! I thought my plant multiplication issues were only me. I'm so relieved that it is a common gardening gift/curse???? which one???? ;)
Our favorite words: bulk discount!
How did you know I wanted a pergola? Carol sent me.
What a wonderful visual aid for those of us who loved Carol's post! I am also adding you to my Google Reader and looking forward to reading more...
This was hilarious. Like looking in a mirror.
Hilarious. I really did get that "couple of loads" of topsoil. It's still in my driveway...I've been moving it for months.
As a very visual person (aren't all gardeners?) I really enjoyed your interpretations.
So true, and that was hilarious. You are like Andre who draws for Margaret on A Way to Garden. Thanks for the laughs.~~Dee
LOL Very amusing although I must admit that I do buy just one plant from time to time.
Too funny and too true! Thanks for the laugh!
LOL, I can certainly relate to that last drawing:) My husband was surprised the other day to see a big patch of lawn dug up; he said, "I thought you were just going to plant a FEW flowers." Obviously, he doesn't understand gardener language.
Wow! your drawings are so awesome!
Reminds me of the time we went to Home Depot to get some manure for our vegetable patch...some meaning an entire flat-bottom cart FULL and loaded to the top! it was so fun to have all the yuppies looking bewildered and upset..'what can they POSSIBLY be doing with all THAT!?'
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