Okay folks, I am VERY proud of what you see below.
My Dahlia imperialis, which I got from Annie's Annuals, is flowering. In my garden. In Michigan. In August.
If you are not familiar with this dahlia, you may not get why that is so exciting. Here's the deal: Like regular dahlias, this species isn't hardy here. Unlike regular dahlias, it normally blooms in November. As in, when my garden is generally under several feet of snow. Getting Dahlia imperialis flowers normally an impossibility without a greenhouse in these parts.
But I have one flowering anyway. Right now! Because I know something: These dahlias, like most fall and winter flowering plants, are triggered to bloom by the long nights of winter. So, I merely tricked them, using... The Trash Can of DECEIT!!! (Bum-ba-bum!)
Also works on humans. Short days trigger my urge to buy seeds |
A little less than a month after I started using the Trash Can of Deceit, I spotted the beginnings of a tiny flower bud on my plants. Knowing my plan had worked, I stopped covering the plant every day. Too late, the dahlia released its mistake. It wasn't winter after all! But the bud was already growing, nothing it could do to stop that now.
Thanks Jeff!
O.O thou art so devious!!! how could you do that to your green child?! :9
I live in zone 5A (wilds of PA) and am wondering how many other plants could be tricked by the Trash Can of Deceit.
That's so cool! That kind of makes me want to go buy one now...
Awesome... :)
Mary, it is sort of like telling your kids that Santa is real... it is okay to lie for a good cause.
Any plant that is triggered to bloom by short days can be fooled with the trash can... Start experimenting!
A dahlia or a trash can? :)
College Gardener,
Thanks! I'm sure my neighbors think I'm insane.
A trash can, obviously.
What a great idea! This could also work in reverse--to keep spinach (and maybe lettuce) from bolting... you'd just have to start earlier in the season, before days hit 14 hours of daylight.
Good idea!
Your purple Dahlia flower is very lovely.
The trash can of deceit is an idea to steal, for sure! I'm thinking I could have my Christmas cactus blooming right about now :)
Daniel, honey, that cracked me up. Now tell me how I can do that down here in Texas!
And you should be. Sometimes deceit is a good thing. You are a clever gardener. Loved chatting with you on the bus at GWA. Good luck on all things homegrown.~~Dee
Very fun experiment!
Love the "trash can of deceit"~we do what we have to!
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The title of your post reminded me of my English teacher in sophomore who was also a best education consultants in pakistan told us that if we lie to plants it would hurt them and they will die. :D
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Lying to Plants is a whimsical and thought-provoking exploration of the unique relationship between humans and the natural world. Blending humor with insight, this work delves into the curious practice of speaking to plants, whether for growth, comfort, or simple amusement. The concept challenges our perceptions of plant intelligence and our connection to nature.
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