01 June 2011

Another hardy succulent to love

I love succulents, and spend inordinate amounts of time pining after agave, aeonium, and aloe that I can't really grow here. But I've been finding more and more hardy succulents that perform beautifully in my climate. Here's one of my latest loves, Orostachys spinosa
I love how the rosettes of succulents often look like flowers. This one reminds me of a gerbera daisy! And fully hardy with reasonable drainage. Mine is in a fairly well drained spot in the open garden (ie, not a rock garden) and has been fine, even this year of the never ending rain. I got mine, of course, from the amazing folks at Arrowhead Alpines, though other people carry it as well.


kay said...

What size if this plant, Joseph. Difficult to tell, from the picture.

kay said...

Wish that I could spell and punctuate!!

Joseph said...

It is about 2.5 inches across, I'd guess. So pretty small, nice for a container or somewhere else you can get up close and really appreciate it.

Tom said...

OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS PLANT WITH ALL MY HEART. I've got a bunch of them in with my hardy cacti and I melt every time I see them.

Joseph said...

I know Tom! It is the best. I wonder why it isn't more widely grown?

Tom said...

I think it's just misunderstood. It's very similar to Jovibarba and Sempervivum and those two propagate so much faster that I'm sure no one even bothers with Orostachys. They'd make awesome plants for containers though (like you said in the comment above). They're certainly hardy, they survive zone 4 winters in Minneapolis with not a problem. I'm gonna stick with people are just oblivious and make no effort to find something new.

Unknown said...

Oh great... a truly hardy succulent. (Like I needed another succulent addicition! lol.) Really, though, I can see why you love these little guys--they're so pretty. I need to seek one out around here. :)

Fergdog said...

I have had this plant for 40 years great plant I put these underneath other plants

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