19 June 2010

Joining up

Currently I belong to exactly zero gardening related clubs, societies, or associations. When I was a teenager going through my rose phase, I belonged to The Rose Hybridizers Assocation, but since I've (mostly) grown out of roses, I've not been a part of such organizations. I did, once, attend a meeting of the Michigan Orchid Society, since I have never had, and never plan to have, an orchid phase, and I only attended under the coercion of a friend, I didn't join.

So I belong to nothing. And yet, there are all these gardening organizations out there, presumably full of cool, plant-obsessed people. People I could learn stuff from, share plants with, all of that sort of thing. So I'm thinking about joining up. Based solely on the recommendation of the good people at Arrowhead Alpines, I'm considering joining the North American Rock Garden Society (NARGS) and its local Great Lakes chapter. I'm not a rock gardener, but apparently these people are mostly just all-around unusual plant nuts, and membership in the national organization gives one access to an apparently amazing seed exchange, and the local chapter has members-only, kick-ass plant sales.

That all sounds pretty darn cool. And makes me wonder what other cool organizations are out there, that I don't know about? Do any of you belong to great gardening organizations? Which ones, and why do you like them? 


Carol Michel said...

I joined Garden Writers of American and attended their national symposium and a regional meeting. Fun times with other gardeners who also like to write about gardening. And I do pay "dues" to get American Gardener from American Horticultural Society

And then of course, there are a couple of "societies" that I started through my blog. You are too young for SGAFO (Society of Gardeners Aged Fifty and Over) but might be interested in the Society for the Preservation and Propagation of Old-Time Gardening Wisdom, Lore, and Superstition (SPPOTGWLS or “the Society”). It is so easy to belong to either one, just read the posts about them every once in a while!

Jim/ArtofGardening said...

I'm not e member of any plant societies. I spend all my time as head of Garden Walk Buffalo and on the planning committee for our new national garden festival. Doesn't really get the garden bug out of me though. It's most often talk of questionnaires, T-shirt & umbrella sales, schedules, bus tours collateral materials, social media, advertising, donor solicitations and corporate sponsorships. There's very little talk of gardening on whole!

Christine B. said...

Took the Master Gardener class when I was 25 and it's been paying dividends ever since. Great tours, presentations, boundless knowledge of folks who have been gardening forever. They emphasize sharing gardening with others, part of the reason I started a blog.

Christine in Alaska

Scentsy said...

I am not part of any gardening clubs, but I do enjoy going online and reading tips and hearing other people's stories. I guess you could consider me a self starter. I loved reading your story. I moved from zone 6 to zone 9 and I'm enjoying the multitude of new plants in my garden. I wish you much success and enjoy zone 5. :)

José M. M. Santos said...

There are many groups and garden societies but with the Internet and all the blogs, facebook, you name it, the change of information is so easy that many societies will end in a near future.
I'm a member of Royal Horticultural Society (UK) as I often go to England - I live in Portugal - to attend orchid and flower shows.
I've been a active member of one or two societies but I grew over it! People are a bit crazy and I end up spending more time dealing with people crazyness that with plants.

In these days I prefer to make a subscription of a magazine than join a garden society.

Loved your blog! Best regards.
Jose, Lisbon (Portugal)

Noel Almirante said...


I like the stories you have and I learned a lot. I am writer online of givingplants.com I guess I can make some reference from what I've read here... Thanks. I will keep following your blog.

Lynn-Sin City to Slaterville said...

Hi Joseph--nice chatting with you here in Buffalo. I can totally vouch for the NARGS folk. Our local meetings (in Ithaca) are fantastic. They work hard to bring in great speakers, there are 2 member-only plant sales a year, and it's gotten me into growing from seed (yes, from the national group's exchange, which our chapter has helped in the fulfillment of, which is a major task). I'm SO not a joiner, but if you're looking for interesting plant nuts who like all things green and interesting, this could be your crowd. I'd so love to go NARGS' "western study weekend" and get a tour in the rockies of alpine plants in situ, but it's not to be this year. Good luck!